Taxi Daniel
Taxi company in Turnhout
A fast website for fast service.
Taxi Daniel asked us to make his website more modern and “faster” since “being fast” is in his core business as a taxi company.
The result is a beautiful, clear website.
Modern minimalist one-pager with all the necessary information
A breathtaking hero image that immediately welcomes you
Minimal and clear contact form for direct conversion

Taxi Daniel
Taxi company in Turnhout

Taxi Daniel
Ashan M. ┃ Business manager
A fast website for fast service.
Taxi Daniel asked us to make his website more modern and faster since his core business is as a taxi company.
We immediately started developing the taxi company's modern website.
Modern minimalist one-pager with all the necessary information
A breathtaking hero image that immediately welcomes you
Minimal and clear contact form for direct conversion