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Frequently Asked Questions

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The costs of a website vary. Simple sites can start at 1,500 euros, while more complex websites (or web shops) can cost up to 5,000 euros or more. Factors such as functionality, design, extra features, and integrations ultimately influence the price.

Thorough budgeting and setting clear goals are therefore essential for a successful investment!

A website can be a valuable investment. It provides global visibility and accessibility for companies, services and information. Customers can easily find information and interact, which can increase sales and brand awareness. Additionally, a well-designed website acts as a digital business card, building credibility. In the modern digital age, a website is often a first impression. It also minimizes operational costs compared to physical presence. But success requires planning, design and constant updates. So, a website can certainly be a smart investment with proper use and maintenance.

The time it takes to build a website varies. Simple websites with basic functionality can be completed in about 2 weeks. For more complex sites with custom designs, extensive functionality and content, the process can take up to 6 weeks. Factors such as design concept, functionality requirements, feedback rounds and content preparation influence the turnaround time. A clear project plan, close cooperation with developers and timely delivery of required materials are crucial to ensure the process runs efficiently and to launch a successful, functional website on time.

In most cases, you can include the costs of developing and maintaining a website as business expenses. This is especially true if the website is intended for your business activities. Make sure you keep all relevant receipts and invoices as proof of your expenses.

It is advisable to seek advice from an accountant or tax advisor to ensure that you meet all requirements and take full advantage of tax deductions.

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